About Us

About Us

Infinity provides our clients with a unique support service, ensuring clients can once again realistically anticipate their project outcome with no surprises.
The Infinity idea originates from having delivered complex projects for clients. No doubt, project stakeholders like the engineer and installation contractors have opinions on the project outcome. Clients often do not have the resources, time or project delivery skills internally to filter through the project information to be able to determine a true assessment of the predictability of the project outcome. Infinity provides an exclusive service to make sense of random project information, to more accurately access project status, project health, governance compliance and project outcome predictability.
Many “promises” are made to clients while the actual project outcome is often disappointing. Infinity and our clients believe that the true answers to the following questions are very valuable in making important business decisions:

•  Has the project followed the correct governance processes?
•  When will the project actually be in production?
•  How much will the project actually cost?
•  Will we actually deliver on stakeholder expectations?

Fortunately Infinity can accurately predict project outcomes early, as experience has shown that the signs manifest quite early in the project life cycle. Too often the need for project health evaluation is only initiated once the project is in deep trouble. Importantly, the project health must be accessed at the earliest convenience; however it is never too late to get Infinity to assess the health of your project. Preferably the project should be audited at each gate pass to ensure readiness for the next project phase to commence. Infinity will use empirical tools to technically evaluate the actual project progress, rather than relying on opinionated feedback.
Infinity has direct alliances with expertise and specialists, ranging from mining and geology, study delivery, engineering, procurement, construction management, human resource and industrial relation management, commercial evaluations, legal advice, ICT and marketing. Infinity can mobilize a client’s support team at short notice to complete due diligences and audits, establish project health and predictability reviews, support client project owner teams during any project phase from exploration through to execution.